We recently received the following information from Parks Victoria via the Rye RSL (John Wilson).
I thought you may be interested to know that on 21 February, Parks Victoria hosted a very brief visit by a group of international and national military dignitaries on a tour through the Quarantine Station. The visit was one of nostalgia primarily, and notably included the Malaysian Chief of Army, General Hasbullah and Major General Gerard Fogarty (Rtd) who both graduated from the Portsea Officer Cadet School in 1981, and Brigadier General Meor who graduated a year later. Since graduating, General Hasbullah and Major General Fogarty (Rtd) have remained close friends, and shared many memories and amusing stories as we wandered through the site. Their friendship is a testament to the enduring significance this site holds for those who trained here during the school’s 34 year occupation. We informed the group of the Portsea OCS Alumni’s proposal to reinstate the OCS memorial with the statue and honour roll next to the Parade Ground and Badcoe Hall. They were all very pleased to hear this, and mentioned they have seen to the original memorial at Duntroon in the preceding days as part of their international relations tour of Australia.
What a welcome coincidence Craig.
Gen Hasbullah and Brig Meor visited RMC prior to heading to Portsea and took the opportunity to call in to the Museum. I was honoured to spend time with both, show them a number of the OCS items on display and renew old acquaintances after almost 38 years (Hasbullah was in my Senior Class, Meor in my Junior).
Good to see that General Hasbullah has enjoyed the success that he has since his graduation. As a Cadet, the General was in my Guidance Group for his Senior Term, enabling me to play a small part in his path to graduation from OCS.
Malaysian Chief of Army, General Hasbullah is a graduate of the OCS Class Dec 81.
Major General Gerald Fogarty (Rtd) is a graduate of the OCS Class Jun 81.
Brigadier Meor Anuar Shuhaili bin Mohd Ramli is a graduate of the OCS Class Dec 82.
Wonderful to see mini reunions like this visiting the old Army institution which greatly impacted on all our lives.