Class of June 1969

The graduating class of June 1969.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

The class story of Brian Jones can be read here.

A Company
S.W. Cutler J.R.B. Mewton M.P. Moran R.J. Kewley L.W. Morgan S.K Seet

D.K. Deane-Spread W.T. Denny P.J. McDonald R.L. Patterson J.A. Pierscinski H.A. Polson R.E. Newton M.F. Murphy

W.G. Taylor R.J. Brooks R.J. Murray P.R. Daymond Ariffin bin Sulong P.J. Pearson R.C. Lamb B. Lans G.W. Weatherstone

J.D. Muir I.D. Carswell A.W. Hunter B.W. O'Shea D.J. Partner R.B. Fraser J.S. Hayes B. Cameron

* not a graduate of this class, see December 1969

B Company
G.J. West M.A Taylor* B.H. Atherton A.J. Ralph K V. Arnett R.J. Pearson A.R. Huai

C.J. Anderson L.R. Upjohn R.J. Casey D.K. Obst R.E. Solomon Romeo E. Delgado I. McLaren W.A.R. Trusselle A. Lewis

G.D. Spinkson E.W. Anker A.A. Kerr P.J. James D.E. Pakes R.S. Wade K.D. Hasen D.M. Lester Mohd Azumi bin Mohamad

C.P. Sinclair B.W. Smith M.L. Morrison J.G. Phillps B.W. O'Shea D.J. Partner L. Kowal B.R.A. Jones

Absent: A.R. Adair W.J. Arndt

* not a graduate
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
Adair Adrian RobinRAEY
AndersonChristopher JohnRA InfY
Anker Errol WayneRNZAY
Ariffin bin Sulong EngrsY
Arndt Walter JamesRA InfY
Arnett Kenneth VivianRAEMEY
Atherton Bruce HaroldRA SigsY
Brooks Richard JosephRAASC, RACTY
CarswellIvan DonnRNZAEC, RNZIRY
Casey Richard JohnRAEMEY
Cutler Spencer WordsworthRA InfY
DaymondPhillip RonaldRAASC, RACT
Deane‑Spread David KevinRAA ProY
Delgado Romeo E.AFP InfDeceased
Denny William ThomasRAASC, RACTY
Fraser Rodney BruceRA SigsY
Hansen Keith DavidRNZAOCY
Hayes John StephensonRNZIRY
Huai Anthony RobertPIRDeceased
Hunter Alan WilliamRA InfY
JamesPeter JohnRAEY
Jones Brian Richard AlanRA InfKIA
Kerr *Andrew AlexRAAOCY
Kewley Ronald JohnRAASC, RACTY
Kowal LeonAA AvnDeceased
Lamb Rodger ColinRAAOCY
Lester David MalcolmRNZACY
Lewis AdrianRAEY
McDonald Patrick JamesRNZIRY
McLaren IanRAAY
MewtonJohn Richard BarryRAASC, RACTY
Mohd Azumi bin MohamadRMRY
Morgan Lawrence WilliamRA SigsDeceased
Morrison Malcolm LeslieRA SigsY
Muir John DavidRAACY
Murphy Michael FrancisRA InfY
Murray Roderick JamesRAE, RACTY
NewtonRobert EdwardRAAY
Obst Darrum KyleRAAOCDeceased
O'Shea Bernard WilliamRA Inf, Aust Int
Pakes David EdwardRAACY
Partner David JohnRNZIRDeceased
Patterson Robin LeslieRAAOCY
Pearson Raymond JohnRA SigsY
Pearson Paul DouglasRA SvyY
Phillips John GraemeRA InfY
Pierscinski (Piers)Jozef AntonRAAFY
PolsonHugh AlfredRAAY
Ralph Anthony JohnRA InfY
Seet Silas KantaiKenyan ArmyY
SinclairClive PaulRNZASCY
Smith Bryan WrexleyRAAECY
Solomon Ralph ErnestRAAOCDeceased
SpinkstonGraham DavidRA InfY
TaylorWillis GeorgeAA AvnY
TrusselleWayne Allen RoyRAEME, RACTDeceased
Upjohn Lindsay RaymondRNZEY
WadeRussell SeatonRAEY
Weatherstone Garry WayneAust IntY
WestGregory JamesRA SigsDeceased


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly