Class of June 1976

The graduating class of June 1976.

To see the photos from this class, follow this link.

For news and other important information for this class, follow this link.

A Company
B.A Reeves J.D. Garrard R.P. Hogan M.L. Clifford W.B. Lilo M.L. Keam

P.G. Lewis I.F. Jarrett D.S. Straiton P.J. Ford  N.J. Brown G.J. Tucker I.J. Gordon

A.J. Lang F.A. Rugers R. W. Quodling S.M. Rooney K.J. Thackeray  D. King  Shaik bin Mohd Noor R. Dorotheo

B Company
N.J. Batchelor R. Garside P.D. Gorton AG. Schmidt F.G. Colley

T.R. Kuper A.R. Darlington M.W. Trafford P.B. Hoskins G.M. Akers

S.G. Turner G.D. Curtis J.S. Perkins B.T. Langler A.J. Button S.C. Gillett S.P. Carmody  

R.S. Gibson C.J. Richmond J. Raams. S.M. Rooney K.J. Thackeray P.F. McIntosh N.R. Trevarthern Lim Chee Seng
SurnameGiven Name/sCorpsContact Details Known
Akers Glen MitchellRAA
Batchelor Nicholas JohnRNZIRY
Brown Nicholas Jerome RAAC, RAAOCY
Button Anthony JohnRAEME
Carmody * Shane Patrick RA Sigs, Aust IntY
Clifford Michael LewisRA SigsDeceased
Colley Francis GerardRAAY
Curtis Graeme DavidRAE
Darlington Anthony RalphRAA
Dorotheo Roland AFP Inf
Ford Peter JamesRAAOCY
Garrad James David RA Sigs, RACMPY
Garside Roger RAEME
Gibson Roger StephenRA Inf, AALCY
Gillett Stephen CraigRA InfY
Gordon Ian James RNZASCY
Gorton Peter DennisRA SvyY
Hogan Robin Paul AACCY
Hoskins Peter BruceRAEY
JarrettIan FrederickRAEMEY
Keam Martin LeighRAACY
King Desmond Aust IntY
Kuper Theodore ReginaldRNZAY
Lang Andrew JohnRAEDeceased
Langler Bryan ThomasRACTY
Lewis Paul GrahameRAAC, AA Avn
Lilo William Bill FIRDeceased
Lim Chee SengSAF Sigs
McIntosh Patrick FrancisRA InfY
Perkins John Scott RA InfY
Quodling Robert WilliamRA InfY
Raams John RAAOCY
Reeves Bruce AndrewRNZE, RAEY
Richmond Christopher JohnRAA
Rooney Sean MichaelRAEMEY
Rugers Frank AnthonyAABCY
Schmidt Allan GeoffreyRACTY
Shaik bin Mohd NoorRMRY
Straiton Douglas StewartRAE
Thackeray Kenneth JamesRAAFY
Trafford Michael WilliamRAACY
Trevarthen Neil RichardRAAOCY
Tucker Gregory JamesRACT
Turner Scott GregoryRNZ SigsY


  1. ‘Y’ indicates contact details known
  2. * indicates Class Orderly